Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
2012: USDA ‘Doesn’t Know’ if You Are Eating Cloned Meat
It may come as a surprise, but you may be consuming cloned meat on a regular basis. In fact, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (head of the USDA) says that he has no idea whether or not cloned meat has been sold inside the United States — or even how much. But instead of investigating or setting up parameters, the USDA asserts that it is safe in their view so there is no cause for alarm. It is currently forbidden by the agency itself for any producer to distribute or sell cloned meat.
The news came back in August of 2010, when U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack went on record saying that he really doesn’t know whether or not cloned meat is being put on dinner tables nationwide. The announcement was made after the United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency told consumers that meat from descendants of cloned animals had already entered the food supply. Of course the agency made the statements a year after the cloned products leaked into the food chain. Still, just like the USDA, the UK’s FSA stated that they believe cloned meat poses no risk, so citizens should not panic. The reason? They say that cloned meat has ‘ no substantial difference’ to traditional meat, and therefore it is safe.
The statements echo those of Monsanto, whose genetically modified creations have been linked to everything from organ damage to toxicity-induced cell death.
Here’s what Tom Vilsack’s response is to whether or not cloned meat is being sold in United States stores and subsequently being eaten by citizens:
“I can’t say today that I can answer your question in an affirmative or negative way. I don’t know. What I do know is that we know all the research, all of the review of this is suggested that this is safe,” Vilsack said to reporters.
Conventional meat packing industries and suppliers often utilize disturbing growth techniques with zero regard for the welfare of the animals and the consumer. It is not to believe that cloned meat would slip into this chaotic process and be passed off as traditional meat. In order to avoid the threat of not only cloned meat but a copious amount of antibiotics (that you will soon be eating), you should search for high quality meat sources that utilize grass as a main feed source. The antibiotic problem is so pervasive, in fact, that a judge recently ordered the FDA to remove antibiotics from animal feed in order to halt the production of super viruses.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
2012: Amazing video of Devil’s Hole seiche rocked by earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico

2012: Amazing video of Devil’s Hole seiche rocked by earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico
Watch never-captured footage of a seismic wave rocking the whole pool at Nevada’s famed Devils Hole.
A fortunate National Park Service biologist and a Scientific American reporter were standing at a deep natural pool in Death Valley when it began to be dramatically rocked by the underground tsunami, resulted from seismic waves emanating from a 7.4-magnitude earthquake, 12 miles deep, near the Mexican state of Oaxaca, 2,000 miles distant. Violent oscillations decimated the small breeding area of the endangered species of pupfish that live nowhere else on earth but in these hot water.
2012: The New & Improved HAARP ?
The Shape of the Future
In my younger days I was a “HAM” radio operator, K1FJS. My hang out was the 20 meter band. Since we used crystals that were made to a specific frequency, it was easy to make a perfectly tuned antenna with some copper wire. You divided the speed of light (299,792,458 meters per second) by the frequency you wanted to target (in Hz). The result was in meters and you could make your piece of wire by using a quarter of this length.

That being said, the best antenna I ever used was the metal drainpipes and gutters on my family’s Cape Cod house. I contacted over 100 countries using this odd configuration and just 50 watts… as long as it didn’t rain or get covered by snow. The point here is that antennae have a way of combining their contorted radiating surfaces that can sometimes perform better than a straight piece of wire.
If you’ve ever broken a cell phone, you have no doubt seen the strange shaped antenna that makes communication between the phone and the tower possible. These oddly shaped conductors are designed by computers and usually can radiate signals on a broad range of frequencies, instead of just one. It’s a fairly new technology which only became viable in the last decade — about the time when your mobile phone became your cell phone.
If you’ve ever broken a cell phone, you have no doubt seen the strange shaped antenna that makes communication between the phone and the tower possible. These oddly shaped conductors are designed by computers and usually can radiate signals on a broad range of frequencies, instead of just one. It’s a fairly new technology which only became viable in the last decade — about the time when your mobile phone became your cell phone.
A pioneer in this field is Nathan Cohen, the inventor and patent holder of fractal antennae. Nathan had his “drainpipe” moment when he fabricated an aluminum foil antenna using a fractal pattern to hide it from his landlord, who prohibited antennae on his property. Nathan was surprised that it worked at all, yet he successfully communicated with another “HAM” operator on the 2 meter band.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Ancient Aliens – The Da Vinci Conspiracy
Ancient Aliens –
The Da Vinci Conspiracy
Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519), was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal.
Leonardo da Vinci is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.
His mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote.
However, that while there is much speculation about Leonardo, his vision of the world is essentially logical rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods he employed were unusual for his time.
Leonardo da Vinci’s masterful paintings and sketches are examined in search of a possible connection to alien technology.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
2012: First ‘Alien Earth’ May Be Found by 2014
The first true “alien Earth” will likely be discovered in the next two years, a NASA scientist says.
Astronomers have found more than 750 alien planets to date, and NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has flagged 2,300 additional “candidates” awaiting confirmation by follow-up studies. This haul has not yet included an Earth-like exoplanet — one that’s the size of our planet and orbits at the right distance from its star to support liquid water and, possibly, life as we know it.
But that could change soon, according to Shawn Domagal-Goldman, a researcher at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. who specializes in exoplanet biology.
“I believe Kepler will find a ‘Goldilocks planet’ within the next two years,” Domagal-Goldman said in a statement. “We’ll be able to point at a specific star in the night sky and say ‘There it is — a planet that could support life!’” [Video: How to Find Earth's Alien Twin]
Studying a ‘Goldilocks planet’
Some NASA officials appear to share Domagal-Goldman’s optimism, for the agency is already looking into ways to study alien Earths once they’re found.
It’s difficult to investigate such worlds directly, since faraway Earth-size planets are small and faint, their dim light almost completely drowned out by the bright glare of their parent stars. But researchers are confident that an indirect approach, called transit spectroscopy, can reveal a lot about Goldilocks worlds.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
2012: If We Discover Aliens, What’s Our Protocol for Making Contact?
2012: If We Discover Aliens, What’s Our Protocol for Making Contact?
Natalie Wolchoverlivescience
It is conceivable that humans could someday discover aliens. We scour the cosmos looking for their radio signals, and though we’re not capable of interstellar space travel, it is remotely possible that we could find what we’re looking for right here in our solar system.
Life could theoretically exist on Mars, or on Europa, a moon of Jupiter, which appears to have an underground ocean. It’s even possible (though highly unlikely) that these nearby life forms could be sentient. “It is consistent with current human exploration of the solar system that intelligent beings could have evolved in the deep oceans of Europa,” said Jacob Haqq-Misra, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University.
Another possibility, Haqq-Misra said, is that “intelligent extraterrestrial beings have traveled from a distant star system and taken up residence in the solar system. They might be living in an underground base on Mars or the moon, or they could be residing in the asteroid belt (or any number of other plausible, albeit unlikely, options).”
Friday, April 6, 2012
NLE 2012: Will This Years Drill Go Live and Result in a False Flag Cyber Attack?
NLE 2012: Will This Years Drill Go Live and Result in a False Flag Cyber Attack?
Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas
The Intelhub
The Intelhub
The summer of 2012 is fast approaching. As it inches closer, we will start to see a major increase in US and foreign troop movements as well as military equipment movements throughout the CONUS (Continental United States).
While many of the upcoming sightings may well be normal operations as the military does like to do training in the summer, the fact is that parts of our own military, along with foreign and UN troops, are actively planning to take on the American people.
National Level Exercise drills have been in effect for years now and have been covered by many alternative news sources, including The Intel Hub through our yearly Operation Overwatch which we use to gain intel and tips from the public in order to relay them to our readers.
Over the years many people have worried about the numerous National Level Preparedness drills and, in most cases, for good reason.
In 2011, the NLE focused around an earthquake on the New Madrid Fault Zone and the year before resulted in 70 thousand people being evacuated from a Texas city after a fertilizer fire.
Interestingly enough, this years FEMA national preparedness drill is focusing on the threat of a major cyber attack on America’s infrastructure.
The last year has seen dozens of cyber attacks on government websites as well as government propagandists pushing the fear of a cyber attack on the populace. Now we have the Department of Homeland Security making cyber security the main component of their annual preparedness drill.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
2012: Alien Ship Allegedly Found by Apollo 16 Astronauts

Moon explorations have been carried out not only by the U.S. and Russia but also countries from Asia including Japan, China and India. Even the European Space Agency has also sent robotic spacecraft to the moon.
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) of NASA is most likely the most productive among all moon explorations as it already gathered almost a million pictures on the surface of the moon that are so vivid, even a coffee table can be seen in the midst of boulders.
Citizen science program has been encouraged by physicist and astrobiologist Paul Davies to examine closely these public-accessible photos of LRO to locate any artifacts that are extraterrestrial in origin.
However, parapsychology followers believe that NASA has been hiding evidence of aliens discovered on the surface of the moon. They say mind-travelers, who use a psychic technique known as remote viewing to travel other planets, have seen alien-looking things on the lunar surface.
The popularity of remote viewing started when U.S. government supported different parapsychology studies in 1970s and lasted until 1990s. After the funding was ended, an executive summary concluded that the psychic technique test results were “vague and ambiguous.”
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
2012: Truth behind 9/11 will annihilate Israel: Video
A US Marine Corps veteran and author asserts that Israel masterminded the 9/11 attacks, saying if Americans were informed of this, they would exterminate the Zionist regime.
“I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period,” Alan Sabrosky, writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs, said in a clip appearing on the public video-sharing website You Tube.Sabrosky said his colleagues who are still serving in uniform initially react with incredulity to his assertions but upon his explanations regarding the controlled demolition of the buildings their disbelief gives way to rage.
“First is disbelief, and what I show them immediately afterwards is an interview with a Danish demolitions expert named Danny Jowenko, and it shows the third building at the World Trade Center going down – WTC7.”
“The thing that’s necessary is to tell people: three buildings went down; the third was not hit by a plane, it was wired for controlled demolition, therefore, all of them were wired for controlled demolition. And at that point the reaction is rage. First disbelief, and then rage,” he added.
Sabrosky said if the Americans were apprised of the truth behind the attacks, they would not hesitate to eliminate Israel without any consideration for the costs involved.
“If Americans ever know that Israel did this, they are going to scrub them off the earth,” he said.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
2012: Pyramids of Glass Submerged in the Bermuda Triangle (video)
Pyramids of Glass Submerged in the Bermuda Triangle (video)
BeforeItsNews | These strange underwater pyramid structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer. Studies of other structures like Yonaguni in modern day Japan have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, apparently made of something like a thick glass, are really impressive – each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.Recently American and French scientists as well as other countries that are conducting surveys in areas of the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle, claim to have found a pyramid standing upright on the seabed that have never been known. The length of the base of this pyramid reached 300 meters, 200 meters height, and distance from the tip of the pyramid is about 100 meters above sea level. Preliminary results show this structure to be made of glass or a glass-like (crystal?) material, as it is entirely smooth and partially translucent.
When talking about size, this newly re-discovered pyramid is larger in scale than the pyramids of ancient Egypt. On top of the pyramid there are two very large holes, sea water at high speed move through the second hole, and therefore the raging waves roll by forming a giant vortex that makes the waters around this cause a massive surge waves and mist on the sea surface. This new discovery makes scientists wonder if this is having an affect on passing boats and planes and could be the reason for all the mystery surrounding the area.
Monday, April 2, 2012
2012: US Test Of Massive UFO Sparks Panic In Washington
(What Does It Mean?) An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) states that a test launching of a “massive” and “highly secretive” space-type aircraft by the US Navy sparked a panic in Washington State this past week after this crafts Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) / lithium Lorentz force accelerator (LiLFA) engines failed to properly ignite. [Authors note: Are the US elite bugging out right before SHTF? ]
Local news reports from the US Naval Air Station Whidbey Island area, where this test reportedly was conducted, confirm the residents of this area were put into panic this Thursday past (15 March) after the failure of this crafts engines caused a sustained “rumbling” that witnesses described as “sounding like sustained thunder, or God bowling.” So strong was this “mysterious rumbling” local residents further reported that it “rattled windows, dishes and nerves from Langford to Otter Point, even knocking down an old barn.” Russian space experts in this report state that this was the second failure of this mysterious crafts engines in the past couple of months with the first occurring north of US Naval Air Station Whidbey Island over the Canadian province of British Columbia in late January where people, likewise, described“rumbling” that resembled a freight train so powerful calls flooded into both the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canada’s Department of National Defense.
Local news reports from the US Naval Air Station Whidbey Island area, where this test reportedly was conducted, confirm the residents of this area were put into panic this Thursday past (15 March) after the failure of this crafts engines caused a sustained “rumbling” that witnesses described as “sounding like sustained thunder, or God bowling.” So strong was this “mysterious rumbling” local residents further reported that it “rattled windows, dishes and nerves from Langford to Otter Point, even knocking down an old barn.” Russian space experts in this report state that this was the second failure of this mysterious crafts engines in the past couple of months with the first occurring north of US Naval Air Station Whidbey Island over the Canadian province of British Columbia in late January where people, likewise, described“rumbling” that resembled a freight train so powerful calls flooded into both the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canada’s Department of National Defense.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
2012: Shocking: Terrible Monster Caught On San Diego Beaches
There’s a new monster on San Diego beaches, and he looks rough.
He’s got a bleach-blonde mohawk, sunburned skin, and a pair of really vicious-looking fangs. And don’t even ask about the body odor, which is bad enough to draw flies. But don’t worry, he (or she) is dead. (Though, like all movie monsters, it might come back to life at the last moment, setting up a sequel.)
Photos of the 24-inch animal carcass were taken last week by a 19-year-old snowboarder visiting San Diego’s Pacific Beach. He showed them to a friend, who passed it along to another friend, who e-mailed them to Rocco Castoro of the blog with the subject line: “Chupacabra/Montauk Monster-looking creature.”
As Castoro noted,
He’s got a bleach-blonde mohawk, sunburned skin, and a pair of really vicious-looking fangs. And don’t even ask about the body odor, which is bad enough to draw flies. But don’t worry, he (or she) is dead. (Though, like all movie monsters, it might come back to life at the last moment, setting up a sequel.)
Photos of the 24-inch animal carcass were taken last week by a 19-year-old snowboarder visiting San Diego’s Pacific Beach. He showed them to a friend, who passed it along to another friend, who e-mailed them to Rocco Castoro of the blog with the subject line: “Chupacabra/Montauk Monster-looking creature.”
As Castoro noted,
The Ten Commandments of the Internet dictate that anyone who receives images of a “monster” is obligated to disseminate and investigate them, even though incidents like this seem to happen about once a year these days. This one apparently turned up on Pacific Beach in San Diego last week.” Castoro spoke to the man who found it, and the surfer dude “sounded sincere and naive enough (i.e. like Jeff Spicoli) to convince me that he undoubtedly believes this thing was, at one time, a living and breathing mutant hellbeast, or at the very least a member of the aforementioned Chupacabra genus. He also told me it was about two feet in length, and that ‘it had the body shape of a pig—kind of a fat stomach, middle area. And the canines were just ridiculously large…. I didn’t know if it was some creature from around here. I’m from Massachusetts and I don’t see [stuff] like that ever.’”
Saturday, March 31, 2012
2012: USGS Can’t Explain Clintonville Strange Sounds
USGS Can’t Explain Clintonville Strange Sounds
By Tom RoseGather USGS officials confirm that Clintonville, Wisconsin was hit by a minor earthquake early Tuesday, but that doesn’t explain why the town has been plagued by strange sounds since Sunday night.
Residents reported booming sounds again on Thursday morning, making it the fourth night in a row the mysterious noises have been heard and felt.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 1.5 magnitude earthquake struck Tuesday just after midnight near Clintonville. Officials stated they don’t believe such a minor quake is usually heard or felt, but concede it’s slightly possible.
It doesn’t explain why the booming noises were first reported early Monday morning and each night since.
Town officials immediately investigated and ruled out a number of man-made causes, including construction, traffic, military exercises, explosives and underground work.
Town officials also announced they’ll be conducting another news conference Thursday at 6 p.m.
It’s not clear what will be revealed, but it’s been reported an outside firm has been setting up monitoring equipment around the town looking for causes.
What could be causing these mysterious booms? It seems a minor earthquake is merely a coincidence and officials have been unable to pin the cause with any of the usual suspects. Naturally, the rumor mill is now running rampant.
In the absence of logical explanations, conspiracy theorists are gravitating to the supernatural. Scenarios range from alien invasion to divine intervention.
One theory even has a band of industrialists, known as the Vivos conglomerate, building a Doomsday 2012 underground bunker in secret nearby. At least that would explain why the sounds are only being heard in the dead of night.
At this point in the unfolding story, every theory is being explored.
Stay tuned.
Friday, March 30, 2012
2012: Is Your Cell Phone Killing You?
Is Your Cell Phone Killing You?
Activist PostAn excellent infographic has been released, which covers many of the physical and mental health problems, as well as the financial burden sold to an increasing number of people who feel they "cannot live without" a cell phone.
As shown below, this obsession manifests in a myriad of ways that affect individual health and social interaction.
It's not mentioned in the graphic, but the attachment to the cell phone has led to a number of states to ban cell phones after seeing that their use while driving is actually worse than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
There is one other area key area that is not covered in the infographic, but is also worth mentioning -- the radiation effects of cell phones, especially on the young.
Experts have said that cell phones are capable of causing a number of health problems, including depression, infertility and damage to your DNA.
In 2011, the WHO/IARC released a report stating that cell phone radiation may have a carcinogenic effect on humans. In fact, the World Health Organization actually said that cell phones are in the same cancer-causing category as lead, engine exhaust, and chloroform. (Source)
The microwave radiation produced by cell phones has been documented in peer-reviewed studies to be harmful to fetal brains, and Mike Barrett from Natural Society writes that:
A recent report with lead author, John Wargo, Ph. D., professor of Environmental Risk and Policy at Yale University, shows just how damaging EMFs can be for children.
Research shows that due to developing organs, lower bone density of the skull, lower body weight, and a less effective blood-brain barrier, children are extremely vulnerable to cell phone radiation. (Source)The health physical effects of cell phones are wide-ranging, including the cell phone towers themselves, but there are ways to minimize their effect, as they are now nearly ubiquitous among the populations of the developed world.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
2012: The Purpose Of Chemtrails
In 1999 the world changed. The money trust changed, the law, technology, and the general direction of the planet. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past.
So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show how they control everyone on demand, as well as end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public. This web site is my account of the entire last decade. I’m sure I’m missing something here or there, but this is 95% accurate I think.The Reason for Everything
Let’s just get right too it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what’s happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.
What you see here is a nano-bot encapsulating a neuron or synapse (for example your purkinje neurons) or other nerve ending/bridge. It’s only a simulation, but accurately summaries everything that has happened in the past decade. This allows complete control of the host (your body) remotely as demonstrated repeatedly in the movies. A more sophisticated set of nano-bots would subsequently allow for a complete and full BioAPI to be installed without the host (you) even knowing it.
![]() | The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma. Obviously, the advantage of such system is that it would not interfere with either the blood flow exchange of gases or produce any type of disruption of brain activity, due to the tiny space occupied in the vascular bed. | ![]() |
Source |
What is the Purpose of Chemtrails
Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. Its large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last.
Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to idiots in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we’re spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you’re smarter than this they’ll give you a better reasonTuesday, March 27, 2012
2012: NASA has figured out how to cause a supernova
Evan Ackerman
NASA, for some reason that the agency has chosen not to share, is quite interested in just exactly what it takes to set off a Type Ia supernova. Thanks to a series of X-ray and ultraviolet observations from the SWIFT satellite, NASA says that “we have a clearer picture of what’s required to blow up these stars.” Oh, good.
Type Ia supernovae are a specific type of stellar explosion that are very, very important because astronomers can use them as what’s called “standard candles.”
Standard candles (there are only a few different kinds and they’re all very rare) are things that we can see with a telescope and know how far away they are. Usually, if you see something through a telescope, there’s no reliable way of knowing whether it’s a bright thing that’s far away or a dim thing that’s up close. A standard candle has a luminosity (or, an intrinsic brightness) that doesn’t ever change, so based on how bright or dim it looks to us here on Earth, we can figure out how far away it (and everything around it) actually is.
With Type Ia supernovae, the standard candle is a white dwarf star that blows up. We know a fair amount about white dwarfs themselves: they’re main-sequence stars (like our sun) that have used up all of their fuel and collapsed into a white blob about the size of the Earth, glowing thanks to stored-up leftover heat. Made up mostly of carbon and oxygen, white dwarfs can’t undergo fusion on their own, so they just sit there and slowly cool off until eventually they stop putting out any light at all.
Sometimes, though, a white dwarf will have a companion star, as part of a binary system. And though the white dwarf is very small for a star, it still has star-like gravity, and it’ll start sucking up material from its companion.
Monday, March 26, 2012
2012: About Geomagnetic reversal and Poleshift
A growing number of scientists are starting to worry that it is the magnetic pole shift that seems to be underway that is the real culprit behind climate change. Not man made air pollution, not the sun, not the underground volcanic activity heating up the oceans, but the slow beginning of a pole shift that has been thought to destroy entire civilizations in the past and be one major factor in mass extinctions. NASA recently discovered and released information about a major breach in the earth’s magnetic field.
This breach in the earth/s magnetic field alone, in that it is allowing solar winds to enter the earths atmosphere, is sufficient to really mess up the weather. Not only is this accelerating magnetic pole shift messing up the weather it is having major effects on geopolitics. These magnetic shifts are not only capable of causing massive global super storms, but can cause certain societies, cultures and whole countries to collapse, even go to war with one another.
All yet remains to be seen, but the magnetic reversal of the earth’s poles seems to be rapidly increasing and IS affecting world weather patterns. The real question is how bad will things get before it all settles backdown to a “new normal?” At one time in history it was thought the North Pole was in the area that is now known as Hudson Bay. If the Hudson Bay area was the last locatoin of the North Pole, where will it go next? And how bad will global super storms and climate change get before it is over? And can we stop blaming each other for causing this and work together to survive it and keep civilization in tact? (Suite101)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
2012: Mysterious Booms, Strange Noises In The Sky Being Heard All Over The World?

This phenomenon made national news again this week because of what has been going on in Clintonville, Wisconsin. Hundreds of residents of Clintonville reported hearing incredibly loud noises coming from the sky for several nights in a row. Even CBS News is reporting on what is happening in Clintonville….
Since Sunday, the residents have been disturbed by “booming” noises loud enough to wake them from their sleep.
Last night, hundreds of people attended a public meeting to get to the bottom of booms. But they aren’t any closer to the truth.
One resident told CBS News, “The last few days we’ve been having (a) booming shaking noise.”
Saturday, March 24, 2012
2012: Aborted Babies Are Being Chopped Up And Sold To Researchers All Over America With The Full Approval Of The Obama Administration

With the full approval of the Obama administration, one company in the United States has plans to inject aborted baby brain cells into the eyes of patients to see if that will help improve their vision. The following is from a recent article on….
Friday, March 23, 2012
2012: Preparing for the Unimaginable
One of the lessons of Nassim Taleb’s The Black Swan is that the events that have caused the greatest changes (and collectively most of the substantive change) to our civilization and our way of life were completely unexpected, unpredictable “black swan” events. His new book argues that rather than trying to plan and prepare for a future we can’t predict, we should do things that improve our resilience, and create systems that are “anti-fragile”. Unlike most fragile, complicated human-made systems, “anti-fragile” systems (such as evolution and other complex natural systems) actively adapt to, learn from and benefit from upheaval and dramatic change.
I have often said that that I believe the key to resilience in the coming decades will be our ability, in the moment, to imagine ways around the crises we cannot prevent, predict or plan for, and then navigate them.
So now I am sitting down with a small group of colleagues here on Bowen Island, starting to think about creating what the Transition Movement calls an “energy descent” plan for our island, and wondering how we can hope to plan for the unpredictable, unforeseeable, and unimaginable future we face.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
2012: Russian space experts examine 200-kilo metal ‘UFO dustbin lid’ which fell from the sky in Siberia
- Six foot metal fragment fell near remote village in Siberia
- Does not appear to be from earthly missiles or rockets
- Russian space experts say, ‘The object is not related to space technology’
- Under police guard as experts examine it
Space experts are trying to solve the mystery of ‘a UFO fragment’ which crashed close to a village in Siberia.
Locals insist the metallic object – which resembles a large rubbish bin – fell from the skies but initial checks by experts have concluded it is neither from a rocket nor a missile.
It is now under police guard as interest in the ‘visitor’ intensifies.Wednesday, March 21, 2012
2012: Researcher Finds Proof Of Area 51 Flying Saucers
Intrepid researcher Scott C. Waring—author of UFO Sightings of 2006-2009 and Dragons of Asgard—followed in the sometimes circuitous footsteps of controversial UFO personality Bob Lazar and uncovered amazing proof of disc and V-shaped craft both airborne and hangared at the test base. Waring has obtained documented proof that alien-inspired, back engineered craft are being flown by the United States Air Force.

Scott Waring has found the best proof ever that USAF has ET technology
Bob Lazar: Alien craft are being reverse-engineered at S-4

Former Area-51 employee, Bob Lazar
Nevadan Bob Lazar came to fame by divulging alleged inner projects of the USAF’s infamous and top secret S-4 test site located within Area-51 at Groom Lake, Nevada.

Among other things, Lazar claimed he worked there after meeting with—and being recommended by—world renown nuclear physicist, Dr. Edward Teller at the Los Alamos facility in New Mexico.
Have you ever wanted to play God? Have you secretly desired to be one of the riders of the Apocalypse? Well you can now have your chance. You can play Depopulus. The sick and twisted minds of the death cults have created their master stroke. What can we say except that they are sick and depraved.
A Video Game Gone Horribly Wrong?
-By Urban Garden Magazine
It may already be “game over” for what is possibly the most controversial video game of all time. It’s called “Depopulus” –where players assume the role of a secret planetary ruler. But while this does not at first appear to break any new ground in video gaming, there’s a big twist around the corner:
Rather than being charged with the task of building a modern, industrial world from scratch—just as in Sid Meier’s upcoming new release “Civilization V”—the challenge posed by Depopulus couldn’t be more diametrically different. Instead players start with a technically advanced but overpopulated world and have to get rid of 90% of its population—all without raising any alarm bells.
You start with the golden key for world domination—a complete monopoly over its monetary systems. With just a few mouse clicks you can saddle governments with debt and they, in turn, are forced to use their people as collateral to pay the eternal interest.
“You’ve gotta’ keep governments in your pocket and the people afraid of each other!” said Lloyd, an enthusiastic gamer from Brookyln, “Thank goodness we have TV!”
“It’s kinda’ like a huge human livestock management program,” grinned Charlie, another game tester, “Herding humans, keeping them both sedated yet productive, even the artificially very intelligent ones, is not easy. But the real challenge is the cull.”
And it’s the “cull” that’s causing the stink—the game’s insidious goal to reduce the world’s 6.9 billion population by 90% before all the oil, fresh water and food runs out. Techniques at your disposal include: world wars, contaminating water and food supplies, weather modification, manmade earthquakes, manmade diseases, forced vaccinations and even spraying the air with hazardous chemicals. Parents, teachers and religious groups are up in arms, calling for the game to be banned on moral grounds. But when challenged over the suitability of mass homicide for video game entertainment, game designer Nevis-Gonzalez is quick to point out that none of it is real, whereas graphically violent war games have been in the popular domain for decades. “There’s no blood, guts or gore in Depopulus.” he explained, “You’re too far removed for all that!”
Be warned – if the population gets wise to your plans, lack of tax revenue may be just the beginning of your problems. In Depopulus, puppet governments can fall in minutes, not days. And hyperinflation can wipe out whole economies in seconds. But you know the game is really over when the bots start cooperating with each other and begin growing their own food.
All traces of the game “Depopulus” have been removed from the Internet. This webpage will self destruct in 10…9…8…
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
2012: The Department of Homeland Security plans to build a high-risk virus research center in the heart of America
2012: The Department of Homeland Security plans to build a high-risk virus research center in the heart of America
J. D. Heyes
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is set to begin construction on a new high-risk bio-weapons research facility on the campus of Kansas State University in Manhattan, though critics say the decision is fraught with risk because of the potential for damage from nearby earthquake fault lines.
In a statement on its Web site, DHS said it needs the new facility to replace an aging one located at Greenport, N.Y. That facility, known as the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, has been in operation since 1954 and is nearing the end of its useful life.
According to the department, $54 million has been approved for the construction of the proposed National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. The new facility will feature research on biolevel 3 and 4 viruses – some without any known cures – and other potentially dangerous materials, though department officials have downplayed any potential threats.In a statement on its Web site, DHS said it needs the new facility to replace an aging one located at Greenport, N.Y. That facility, known as the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, has been in operation since 1954 and is nearing the end of its useful life.
The problem, critics say, is the location and the inherent seismic and weather-related disasters that could befall the facility, wreaking havoc on the surrounding population and beyond – issues the government seems to be downplaying.
Painting lipstick on a pig
“The United States works on the frontline of livestock animal health research to defend against foreign animal, emerging, and zoonotic diseases that could threaten the U.S. livestock industry, food supply, and public health,” says Homeland Security Under Secretary for Science and Technology Tara O’Toole, in a departmental risk assessment posted online. “To address congressional requirements, this detailed, updated risk assessment reaffirms that we can build a safe and secure facility to meet this important mission.”
The department contends that, according to its risk analysis, “calculated risks have been significantly reduced by incorporating mitigation measures into the risk assessment and updating the analysis to allow for a cumulative risk calculation.”
In other words, DHS says it is prepared to adopt a facility design that includes “significant changes beyond the industry standard to reduce risk.” Reducing risk isn’t, of course, the same as eliminating it.
‘Groundbreaking’ facility?
All of this babble is, of course, designed to make us feel better about having a plant that conducts research on incurable viruses located smack dab in the middle of a volatile region of the country. What the department isn’t saying is that the part of Kansas being considered for this new facility is prone to a number of natural disasters and occurrences, each of which could cause considerable damage.
“Manhattan, Kansas, faces a number of worrisome hazards that should influence the architecture and construction of the BSL-4 laboratory. These hazards include flooding, dam failure, earthquakes, and tornadoes,” says an assessment by the Suburban Emergency Management Project (SEMP), located in Chicago.
The last time the region suffered major flood damage was in 1951, but, SEMP notes, the area is still in a flood plain and, given the record floods last summer in neighboring Missouri, the potential for disaster is there.
Also, SEMP notes that while “Kansas is not widely known as seismically active,” it “boasts the Humboldt fault zone, which underlies Turtle Creek dam and Manhattan,” a region the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has deemed a “localized seismic hot spot.”
“An estimated maximum earthquake magnitude of 6.6 could occur in the area of the Tuttle Creek dam, causing liquefaction of the foundation sand beneath the dam, large deformations of the dam, and dam failure,” said SEMP’s assessment of the proposed new biodefense facility. “The consequences of a breach of the Tuttle Creek dam include rushing water at 381,000 cubic feet/second (six times the rate in 1993) moving toward a population at risk of 13,000 people.”
In addition, the area is known for its tornadoes. According to the Oklahoma Climatological Survey, the region in and around the proposed site features an average of five to seven tornadoes a year.
“Riley County, Kansas, home to Manhattan, is well known for tornado touchdowns. For example, on June 11, 2008, Manhattan sustained extensive damages but no injuries when an F4 nighttime tornado ripped through it,” said the SEMP assessment.
Monday, March 19, 2012
2012: Denying chemtrails is dangerous for your health
2012: Denying chemtrails is dangerous for your health
Paul Fassa
Paul Fassa
Statistical evidence shows that lung issues such as asthma and COPD have risen considerably over the past two decades. While there may be a few factors behind this, hardly anyone includes chemtrails as one of them.
Scientists and governments have allowed some “limited hangouts” (partial disclosures) on chemtrails or stratospheric geo-engineering, framing it as “experimental.” They openly discuss geo-engineering as “potential” solutions for weather control and protection against global warming.Apparently, they’ve been doing a lot of open “experimenting” since the early 1990s. They don’t really have to deny much. There’s plenty of denial from those on the ground who don’t look up to see anything different. Or upon noticing chemtrails, they will argue that they are contrails.
There are even internet pages devoted to “scientifically” debunking chemtrails as erroneous conspiracy theories, similar to “Quackwatch” sites that go after medical practitioners who successfully treat disease without drugs.
The obvious differences between chemtrails and contrails
Contrails appear from aircraft propulsion systems of all types at stratospheric altitudes, 30,000 to 40,000 feet up. They are exhaust vapors that become ice crystals in high altitude, low pressure frigid air.
Contrails are harmless and dissipate quickly. They don’t linger. They usually extend from 20 to 50 plane lengths behind the aircraft. They are very white and somewhat thinly textured. Sometimes high altitude planes can be seen as silver specks without any trail at all. Chemtrails, however, are very different.Chemtrails often extend from one horizon to the other. They tend to be thicker and wider than contrails, and their white plumes can be tainted with slight discolorations. Chemtrails linger for hours or whole days.
They tend to fan out and mingle with themselves or actual clouds, forming larger clouds or a haze that covers the sky. At higher ground levels, they can be observed drifting downward to earth.
Their paths do not correspond with normal commercial airline flight paths. They often turn around and continue their smoky plumes. Sometimes they will create grid patterns or Xs. See examples here (
Do you recall meeting other aircraft while on a commercial flight, and deviating from the prescribed route to doodle in the sky with the other planes? Of course not. Chemtrails are usually emitted by non-commercial planes.
Back on the ground
Several sky watchers throughout the world have had residue samples analyzed after collecting them in water containers, air traps, and on shrubbery twigs. They have all come up with two common elements: barium and aluminum.
Barium is very toxic. Reportedly, it was sprayed from aircraft during Gulf War I to weaken the enemy on the ground. Some consider barium salts more toxic than lead. It affects the lungs directly.Aluminum is a toxin that leads to dementia and neurological diseases. The nasal passages and lungs enable aluminum to have easy entry into our blood streams and affect tissues, including the heart and brain.
Even if not breathed in to cause immediate respiratory and other long term health problems, these two metals are absorbed into drinking water and crop soils. Interestingly, Monsanto has recently genetically engineered an aluminum resistant gene that can be inserted into crop seeds.
A pathogen has been found in some chemtrail analyses. Mycoplasma Fermetens Incognitus, which was observed to be in half the Gulf War Syndrome victims by Dr.Garth Nicholson.
The first thing to do is take time to observe and recognize the differences in aircraft trails. Research more, starting with source links below, while detoxing metals regularly. Then get involved on some level to help curb chemtrail activities.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
2012: Pre-War Propaganda?: Syria ‘on radar’ as WMD source
2012: Pre-War Propaganda?: Syria ‘on radar’ as WMD source
U.S. and Israeli officials say there is fear a government breakup in Syria could lead to rogue groups armed with a variety of chemical weapons.
“We are very concerned about the status of Syria’s weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons,” Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren recently told The Wall Street Journal.
“Together with the U.S. administration, we are watching this situation very carefully,” he said.
With civil unrest turning into a prolonged conflict for regime change in Libya — an event following former President Hosni Mubarak’s downfall in Egypt — there is concern that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could also be toppled with a populist revolt.
“We see a lot of opportunity emerging from the end of the Assad regime,” Oren said.
“The fear is fragmentation. If you have a situation where the military fragments, or where some of the locations are overrun, then you have all these other contingencies you have to plan for,” said Leonard Spector, director the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, a Washington think tank.
Assad has held onto power for 11 years, and his father Hafez al-Assad ruled Syria for 29 years until he died.
Syria has repeatedly provoked concern over its weapons programs.
In late 2007, Israeli military strikes destroyed what U.N. investigators said was a nuclear reactor built with the help of North Korea. In 2008, U.S. President George W. Bush charged Damascus with constructing a reactor in eastern Syria that was capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium.
Syria is one of six countries that have not signed an international treaty banning production of chemical weapons.
The Central Intelligence Agency said in 2009 Syria “has a stockpile of chemical weapons, which can be delivered by aircraft, ballistic missiles and artillery rockets.”
Having weapons of mass destruction fall into the wrong hands “is on the radar screen, and a lot of people are watching this closely,” a U.S. official told the Journal Saturday.
Source: UPI

U.S. and Israeli officials say there is fear a government breakup in Syria could lead to rogue groups armed with a variety of chemical weapons.
“We are very concerned about the status of Syria’s weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons,” Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren recently told The Wall Street Journal.
“Together with the U.S. administration, we are watching this situation very carefully,” he said.
With civil unrest turning into a prolonged conflict for regime change in Libya — an event following former President Hosni Mubarak’s downfall in Egypt — there is concern that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could also be toppled with a populist revolt.
“We see a lot of opportunity emerging from the end of the Assad regime,” Oren said.
“The fear is fragmentation. If you have a situation where the military fragments, or where some of the locations are overrun, then you have all these other contingencies you have to plan for,” said Leonard Spector, director the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, a Washington think tank.
Assad has held onto power for 11 years, and his father Hafez al-Assad ruled Syria for 29 years until he died.
Syria has repeatedly provoked concern over its weapons programs.
In late 2007, Israeli military strikes destroyed what U.N. investigators said was a nuclear reactor built with the help of North Korea. In 2008, U.S. President George W. Bush charged Damascus with constructing a reactor in eastern Syria that was capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium.
Syria is one of six countries that have not signed an international treaty banning production of chemical weapons.
The Central Intelligence Agency said in 2009 Syria “has a stockpile of chemical weapons, which can be delivered by aircraft, ballistic missiles and artillery rockets.”
Having weapons of mass destruction fall into the wrong hands “is on the radar screen, and a lot of people are watching this closely,” a U.S. official told the Journal Saturday.
Source: UPI
2012: Don’t Believe In UFOs? Watch This..
UFO Video Compilation 2005-2011 AMAZING FOOTAGE! Real or Fake? It doesn’t get any better than this!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
2012: Did life on Earth actually come from the Red Planet?
Did life on Earth actually come from the Red Planet?
By Irene Klotz
Given the same raw materials, Mars would have been a better host for life to arise than Earth, which some scientists believe was too flooded for the chemistry of life to gain a toehold.
Without at least occasional dry land, the chemistry needed to get life started doesn’t work very well because the molecules to support genetics, such as RNA, are chemically unstable in many ways, particularly in water.
Image: Aurora
Aurora makes for must-see TV
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: The shimmering aurora sparks great videos as well as photography from northern and southern sides of the globe. Check out the latest highlights.
By Irene Klotz
Given the same raw materials, Mars would have been a better host for life to arise than Earth, which some scientists believe was too flooded for the chemistry of life to gain a toehold.
Without at least occasional dry land, the chemistry needed to get life started doesn’t work very well because the molecules to support genetics, such as RNA, are chemically unstable in many ways, particularly in water.
Image: Aurora
Aurora makes for must-see TV
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: The shimmering aurora sparks great videos as well as photography from northern and southern sides of the globe. Check out the latest highlights.
2012: Ice Age, Supervolcano Could Topple US Government
Terrence Aym

As more evidence mounts that the world is slipping faster into the next Ice Age, Washington insiders are scurrying to solidify their new power base for centralized government operations. Fears that the US capital might be struck by another more deadly terrorist attack—or other disasters—prompted federal agencies more than a decade ago to hurriedly establish back-up operations in case catastrophe struck. Despite the fact that many conspiracy theories are weaved around the subjects that follow—including some fairly wild-eyed, tin foil hat scenarios—most conspiracy theories have a basis in fact, albeit the facts are often distorted or wildly exaggerated. The actual story of the bizarre Denver International airport, the nation’s “second capital,” the impending Ice Age possibility, and the Yellowstone supervolcano threat to America follows…

The nation’s Doomsday capitol
As long ago as the 1990s during the Clinton Administration, civilian agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Agriculture and Federal Bureau of Investigation created a secondary nexus in Denver, Colorado.
The political theory to establish a Doomsday capitol—a “Washington outside Washington”—was created by Arlington think tanks. They believed their plan would afford a higher level of security if the nation’s emergency capitol was located near the geographical center of the country with the Rocky Mountain range at its back instead of the Atlantic Ocean on its doorstep.
Agencies duplicated resources and some moved their entire headquarters there such as the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center.

Denver is a logical choice as many government assets exist in or near the city: Nellis AFB, Groom Lake , and the Omaha SAC base are within defense range, much of the US nuclear arsenal is stockpiled in the general region, the mountains make a ground attack force next to impossible, and Denver sits a mile above sea level.

Pentagon moved some of DIA, DARPA, and SID to Denver area
In addition to the civilian agencies, the Pentagon has also moved segments of its operations—including the Defense Intelligence Agency, the super-secret Strategic Intelligence Department, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and others—to the more secure Doomsday capitol. Some of the Pentagon assets occupy part of newly refurbished levels deep underground inside the famous Cheyenne Mountain NORAD facility.
Friday, March 16, 2012
2012: How a Nuclear Bomb Could Save Earth From an Asteroid
2012: How a Nuclear Bomb Could Save Earth From an Asteroid
by Mike Wall
A well-placed nuclear explosion could actually save humanity from a big asteroid hurtling toward Earth, just like in the movies, a new study suggests.
Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, a United States Department of Energy facility in New Mexico, used a supercomputer to model nukes’ anti-asteroid effectiveness. They attacked a 1,650-foot-long (500-meter) space rock with a 1-megaton nuclear weapon — about 50 times more powerful than the U.S. blast inflicted on Nagasaki, Japan, to help end World War II.
The results were encouraging.
“Ultimately this 1-megaton blast will disrupt all of the rocks in the rockpile of this asteroid, and if this were an Earth-crossing asteroid, would fully mitigate the hazard represented by the initial asteroid itself,” Los Alamos scientist Bob Weaver said in a recent video released by the lab. [Video: Nuclear bomb takes out asteroid]
In the 3-D modeling study, run on 32,000 processors of the Cielo supercomputer, the blast went off at the asteroid’s surface. So the nuke likely wouldn’t have to be deposited deep into a threatening space rock, a dangerous job Bruce Willis and his astronaut crew tackled in the 1998 film “Armageddon.”
by Mike Wall
A well-placed nuclear explosion could actually save humanity from a big asteroid hurtling toward Earth, just like in the movies, a new study suggests.
Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, a United States Department of Energy facility in New Mexico, used a supercomputer to model nukes’ anti-asteroid effectiveness. They attacked a 1,650-foot-long (500-meter) space rock with a 1-megaton nuclear weapon — about 50 times more powerful than the U.S. blast inflicted on Nagasaki, Japan, to help end World War II.
The results were encouraging.
“Ultimately this 1-megaton blast will disrupt all of the rocks in the rockpile of this asteroid, and if this were an Earth-crossing asteroid, would fully mitigate the hazard represented by the initial asteroid itself,” Los Alamos scientist Bob Weaver said in a recent video released by the lab. [Video: Nuclear bomb takes out asteroid]
In the 3-D modeling study, run on 32,000 processors of the Cielo supercomputer, the blast went off at the asteroid’s surface. So the nuke likely wouldn’t have to be deposited deep into a threatening space rock, a dangerous job Bruce Willis and his astronaut crew tackled in the 1998 film “Armageddon.”
Thursday, March 15, 2012
2012: Missing Cat Hunter Finds Buried Spececraft?

Farmer Franz Knoglinger, 47, discovered the hole while looking for his missing cat and after a report on local television he was flooded with curious visitors, as well as geologists, archaeologists and even UFO experts.
He said: "I was looking for our family cat Murlimann when I noticed the hole. I didn't know how deep it was then so I dropped the stone down there, and heard a metallic clunk.
"From the time it took for the stone to reach the bottom I realised it was very deep.
"I managed to get a big magnet which I dangled down there and it clearly fastened onto something at the bottom – so there is something large and metallic about down there. It also sounds as if there is a hollow space around about whatever the metal object is – it sounds as if there is a room underneath."
He said they needed 25 foot of rope to lower the magnet down and the local plumber who had tried to use a special camera to view the object had failed to get an image.
He said: "There seem to be disturbance on the line – maybe it was some sort of electrical field. Either way the camera didn't bring a good result."
Archaeologists suggested the hole could have been left by a wooden timber from an underground burial chamber that had rotted away.
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